Solos Reversible Harness
Versatile design
The Solos is a hybrid design which can be flown with or without a seatplate. It is immediately comfortable in the air with excellent feedback and firm back support.
The rucksack
The harness packs in a special compartment to provide space for the wing. The water bag stays in the same place for walking and flying. There is plenty of storage and the efficient compression straps make carrying comfortable whilst keeping a tight pack.
Main features
- Integrated foam protector
- Two-buckle “click & fly” design
- Removable seat-plate
- Underseat reserve compartment
- Pre-mounted reserve bridles
- Water bag and accessory storage
- The Solos is available in 2 colours in sizes S, M, L
- 3.3 kg including carabiners & speedbar (medium size)
S&W Verdict:
“An alternative to the Advance Progress 3. It has an integrated self inflating mousse bag, is very comfortable both as a harness and a rucksack”